Andrew Martin and Kit Kemp Team Up for a Fanciful Collection of Fabrics and Wallpapers for Kravet
Phebe WahlPhebe Wahl|September 11, 2019|Home & Real Estate,
Inspired by 15th- and 16th-century tapestries, the Wychwood Provencal Yellow wallpaper offers a traditional print made modern.
”It’s fun bringing an old material like chintz back up to date,” says designer and Firmdale Hotels co-owner Kit Kemp of the new Kit Kemp for Andrew Martin Collection. The collab is a magical mashup of fabled lands and folk tales told through six fabrics and five wallpapers. “Every living space should have elements to capture the imagination,” Kemp says. “We wanted a collection [that brings] our love of the artisan and mythical creatures together.” Illustrator Melissa White gave the traditional motifs a contemporary twist. Andrew Martin founder Martin Waller and Kemp are longtime friends who share an unabashed boldness. Says Kemp, “Martin can really take something ordinary and make it extraordinary.” Waller adds, “And Kit’s trademark is courage with color.” Sounds like a fanciful fabrication sure to stand the test of time. Kravet, ADAC, @kravetinc