An Egg-Stravagent Christmas Cocktail - Tribe's CBD Eggnog

Tribe CBD Tribe CBD | December 28, 2020 | Sponsored Post,

By now, you’ve probably seen a few pre-packaged eggnogs pop up in your local supermarket. While these mixes may look delicious, please don’t give into temptation! Like Bloody Marys and Margaritas, store-bought brands can’t compare with freshly-whipped eggnog. Trust us; your Christmas party guests will appreciate the “egg-stra” effort you put into this cocktail.

In this post, we’ll share a super simple eggnog recipe you could tailor to each party-goer’s preferences. As a bonus, we’re going to sneak our natural-flavored CBD oil into this yummy Yuletide beverage. While our CBD won’t cut this drink’s calories, we bet it will make your Christmas celebration extra chill!

CBD Eggnog Recipe


Once you start researching eggnog recipes, you’ll discover most people only make this drink in large batches. But what if everyone at your party doesn’t like eggnog? Or, what if everyone wants different things in their drink?

To give you more flexibility with this CBD cocktail, we’ve reduced our recipe’s specs to serve just one person. This way, you don’t have to worry about dumping a massive vat of sour eggnog down the drains.

Does your uncle like rum rather than brandy? Go ahead and swap it out! Do you want more cloves and less cinnamon? By all means, change it up! Do you have a guest who wants a dairy-free eggnog? Bust out that almond milk! As you’ll soon see, it’s easy to mix and match ingredients using our CBD eggnog recipe.

Indeed, the only bad thing about using this method is that you might have sore arms after whipping so many drinks. However, when you consider all of those “Kris Kringle calories” you’re putting on, you could probably use the extra exercise.


  • 1 ½ oz brandy
  • 1 fresh egg
  • 1 oz heavy cream
  • ½ oz simple syrup
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 dropperful Tribe CBD oil (natural)
  • Cinnamon stick (optional)


  • Crack one egg into a cocktail shaker
  • Add brandy, heavy cream, vanilla extract, simple syrup, and ground spices to your cocktail shaker
  • Whip without ice for about 30 seconds
  • Add a medium-sized ice cube and shake until you can’t hear the cube anymore
  • Strain into a mug or punch cup
  • Garnish with Tribe CBD oil, ground nutmeg, and a cinnamon stick

Who says you need to put eggs in eggnog? Well, OK, “egg” literally is in this cocktail’s name…but so what? This is America, after all. If you don’t like drinking raw eggs, there are many egg-free variations to try.

For instance, instant vanilla pudding is a common substitute for eggs in this delicious December drink. You might also want to consider straining the water in a can of chickpeas to make “aquafaba.” As we mentioned in our CBD gin fizz recipe, two tablespoons of aquafaba are equal to one medium-sized egg.

Of course, if you’re going to use eggs in your eggnog, please remember there’s always a risk of salmonella poisoning. For your safety, only use the freshest eggs possible that show no signs of damage.

Burn Off Your Santa Belly With Our CBD Energy Shots

It’s no secret that eggnog isn’t the healthiest drink in the world. In fact, one eight-ounce glass of this creamy cocktail usually contains 340 calories.

But don’t fret; we have an easy hack to get you fit in a flash: use Tribe’s CBD Energy Shots! Each of these berry-flavored shots contains 20 mg of nano-emulsified CBD to help “start your engines.” For an extra kick, these all-natural shots also contain traces of caffeine, ginseng, and guarana.

If you need help getting back to the gym in 2021, you’ve got to give Tribe’s CBD Energy Shots a try.


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